I never tried to bypass it because I don't have a decent preamplifier. My Kingko always worked as integrated.
But according to King Ip, you will get better results if you use a good preamplifier; the preamp section of the KA-101 is not as good as the best preamps out there.
Regarding tube rolling, replacing the preamp section tubes (the small 12AU7 and 12AX7) will increase a bit of the sound quality, but the real improvement comes from the rectifier tube. Originally the amplifier comes with a chinese 5AR4 that is decent, but not spectacular. Once you replace this tube with a better one, it's an amazing improvement!
At his shop we tried many combinations and the one that really shines for me (and I was lucky enough to get a rare tube from King Ip) is the Westinghouse 5U4GB/5AS4A. Everything goes bigger, fuller, richer! Clarity, bass, soundstage...
There is someone on another thread (maybe another forum, can't remember, but I'll search for it) that found another rectifier tube to be fantastic for the KA-101. Different flavours, so many possibilities...
Anyway, I advise you to contact King Ip regarding any question. His English is not perfect, but he's an amazing guy, always willing to share his expertise and knowledge. He will answer all your questions.