Cayin A 300B

Anyone experienced the Cayin A 300B amplifier?
It's a beautiful SET using the 300B tubes and I'd like to have some opinions about this amp. 
I'd like to revive this thread,
Cayin is THE AMP to  own. 
Why? Built like tanks, price afforadble to most
Musicality as good/better than Jadis.
IMHO, cayin  is the best deal going. 
I know some here hate propaganda/pumping/cheer leading,,but when its the truth,,,why fight it.???
 We need testimonies of the Cayin 845.
I think in the years to come if jadis does not change its game plan, cayin will be the leader in super duper high fidelity tube amplification,,and Jadis will never catch them. 
Jadis will be nothing more than a  memory.
Jadis should have stayed with intergrated ONLY, and not these 100 lb mono blocks at a  price that only Rothchild can afford. 
Jadis is like BMW, as soon as you drivea  BMW off the lot, you just took a  25%+ hit on resale value. 
A new Jadis, next day after purchase is worth 30% less.
Jadis are you listening.?
I'd takea  cayin over a  Jadis , both at same price, any/every day of the week.
Lets hear about the 845's. 
I totally forgot about this thread, but since Mozartfan revived it, here goes my follow up:
Some time after I started this thread, I went to audition the Cayin 300B. Didn't like it. Like all Cayin products, the amplifier was gorgeous and very well built, a work of art! But I found the sound to be lazy and too warm; sluggish. Was missing some spark, some crispiness - for my taste.
By the same time I also auditioned some amplifiers from Line Magnetic and my choice was clear, my favourite one was the LM 805 ia. I really like everything about this amplifier, especially the sound. And I was almost pulling the trigger when a fantastic deal came around: I got the bigger sibling, the LM 219ia for half the regular price. Even though this huge beast wasn't my favourite, I couldn't let it pass. So I bought it and I was very happy for some time. Until I discovered a very small, low powered push-pull amplifier developed by a friend of mine: the KA-101 from Kingko Audio. 
Kingko Audio is owned by King Ip, a good friend of mine from Hong Kong. He used to sell and repair amplifiers from  Line Magnetic and he knows everything about audio electronics and tubes. So after years of studying other brands, he developed a small and simple product, not expensive, that rivals in sound. It is a giant slayer! 
I bought one, together with his CD player (also using tubes) and it sounds as good as the best Cayin and Line Magnetic. Actually, is almost as good as an Audio Note, or a Shindo! We spent days comparing them, with a lot of different speakers. The little Kingko KA-101 surprised and amazed everybody.
Soon after I sold the LM219ia. And I don't feel the need to search anymore for a good SET, I'm happy with my Cayin MT45-Mk2 and this Kingko. For now... :)


Do you use the preamp section of the Kingko or do you bypass it with a separate? Any success tube rolling the Kingko? I've seen quite a few comments on this amp the past year or so and its been on my radar. For the price it's hard to ignore.
I never tried to bypass it because I don't have a decent preamplifier. My Kingko always worked as integrated. 
But according to King Ip, you will get better results if you use a good preamplifier; the preamp section of the KA-101 is not as good as the best preamps out there.
Regarding tube rolling, replacing the preamp section tubes (the small 12AU7 and 12AX7) will increase a bit of the sound quality, but the real improvement comes from the rectifier tube. Originally the amplifier comes with a chinese 5AR4 that is decent, but not spectacular. Once you replace this tube with a better one, it's an amazing improvement!
At his shop we tried many combinations and the one that really shines for me (and I was lucky enough to get a rare tube from King Ip) is the Westinghouse 5U4GB/5AS4A. Everything goes bigger, fuller, richer! Clarity, bass, soundstage... 
There is someone on another thread (maybe another forum, can't remember, but I'll search for it) that found another rectifier tube to be fantastic for the KA-101. Different flavours, so many possibilities...
Anyway, I advise you to contact King Ip regarding any question. His English is not perfect, but he's an amazing guy, always willing to share his expertise and knowledge. He will answer all your questions.