CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl

No comparison, CD always sounds so cold and gritty. Vinyl is so much warmer, smoother and has better imaging and much greater depth of sound. It’s like watching the world go by through a dirty window pane when listening to a CD. Put the same LP on the turntable and Voila! Everything takes on more vibrancy, fullness and texture. 

I checked out that audiogeorge website.

It put the musings in that post in context.

I prefer geoffkait’s website; it’s more entertaining.

Post removed 
Clearly, the OP and many others in this (and the zillion identical) threads, conflate *preference* with *fact*. Both mediums can sound great, with recording and mastering having the greatest impact IME.  In the end, though, when *you* think the vinyl kills the CD and I think the reverse, in the same listening session, *neither* of us is wrong. Get over it.
It all depends. In my library listening room I have 6 systems with 9 pairs of speakers, four cd players, 2 DACs, two turntables and more cartridges than I can count. I listen to classical, jazz and rock. With each type of music I could convince you one way or the other with the same amplification and speaker system depending on the player, DAC or turntable/cartridge combination. I can play a new to me LP and almost immediately know whether it will sound better with different preamp/amp including tube vs. ss. Just experienced this last night. Same orchestra and era. Lush symphonic piece amazing on a tube system followed by powerful piano concerto sounding like crap in comparison. Switched the amp setup. Another experience entirely. I have many of the same recordings on lp and red label. It’s often a hard choice which way to go. There is no answer, obviously. At least to me.

In the end, though, when *you* think the vinyl kills the CD and I think the reverse, in the same listening session, *neither* of us is wrong. Get over it. 

Really? “Get over it”? Really? Now isnt isn’t that a conflicting picture you paint of yourself against the opinions of others? If you truly believed what you say, you’d not be threatened by this thread.