CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl

No comparison, CD always sounds so cold and gritty. Vinyl is so much warmer, smoother and has better imaging and much greater depth of sound. It’s like watching the world go by through a dirty window pane when listening to a CD. Put the same LP on the turntable and Voila! Everything takes on more vibrancy, fullness and texture. 

polarity, ESPECIALLY when discs are mastered in various locations (ie Greatest Hits)  OFTENTIMES is all over the place, from song to song

I flip a lot of kit, always try to get a pre or dac with polarity inverting switch (often miscalled phase), alas many/most manufacturers are/seem clueless

The biggest offender seems to be in the bass


Last night I put on Jennifer Nettles "Playing with Fire{". It is one of those excellent music horrible mastering/recording cds

I use it to test new additions, like New Dark Matter. The improvement was/is amazing, though it is not capable of turning poor recordings into proper remasters , it is now much more listenable, as are good recordings

 I haven't changed my components from 10 to 30 years (SME IV and VPI 19-4/Ultracraft are the longest in my system).

What's your phono cartridge?
A Benz Ruby 3.  

Yes, Geoffkait, I don't believe my audio system is the best; however, it is among the most enjoyable.  My resolution, imaging and ambiance retrieval are not as good as many inferior systems but when taken as a whole, it is better than most audiophiles.  So many have systems in constant flux, constantly changing components.  I view my audio system as a system, carefully put together to create synergy.  

My current project is to build my new listening room in my new home.  It is a great challenge and will go against common conceptions.  I will be using carbon filters in the 12" cabinet size walls for the bass which apply to frequencies from 30 to 125 Hz, the fundamentals.  The exterior and interior finishes are to provide support for the bass.  No bass traps will be required.  Do to cost restraints, I will be using a wide frequency acoustic foam unlike most foams and geared toward the cherry plywood interior wall finish.  I hope it works.  My current room was based on traditional dual drywall, staggered stud, wide plate criteria.  Both current and future rooms will have 6" minimum engineered slab foundations.  

The new room won't have anything but seating and equipment.  My current room has 42,000 LPs/78s/CDs (in metal drawers).  So, huge difference.  I'll post the results after I move in.
another ear crusher and another insight: last night I played Wilson Philips, 3 women with high voices combined with piss poor mastering, which I can only play when making changes, though it is now sounding better.

What was especially exciting, I was able to hear the emotion in their singing

I owe it to New Dark Matter