CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl

No comparison, CD always sounds so cold and gritty. Vinyl is so much warmer, smoother and has better imaging and much greater depth of sound. It’s like watching the world go by through a dirty window pane when listening to a CD. Put the same LP on the turntable and Voila! Everything takes on more vibrancy, fullness and texture. 

Do it a favor and don't be foolished by vinyl, no way my friend. Today year 2019 digital is way superior to and from here ahead the digital distance between it and vinyl will be wider and wider because analog developments stopped to grow up as technology several years ago and digital is still growing up and even we can think is endless in this trend. 

You you didn’t get the point. This is a debate on CD vs Vinyl. Not DSD vs Vinyl. CD is a dead media format. Vinyl is still in production and increasing at a compound rate every year. 
Dear sleepwalker65: The H.Zimmer link for the CD and Vinyl.

But at the end we are talking of digital against LP/analog alternatives. Remember too that today CDP comes with 32/384 DACs or at least 24/192 and this is a characteristic that makes everything different when you listen to any CD.


But at the end we are talking of digital against LP/analog alternatives. Remember too that today CDP comes with 32/384 DACs or at least 24/192 and this is a characteristic that makes everything different when you listen to any CD. 

CD is CD. What you put in is what you get out. If you are trying to compare another format to vinyl, that’s a different discussion. 


If you have no passion for records why do you need a turntable?
It’s never too late to start, but it’s not about quality as much as you may think (especially with entry level turntable), it’s about record collecting, digging, it’s more like a life style, an expensive hobby.
sleepwalker,  reality check:
CD is not a dead format.  Many great remasterings are happening and have happened in the past few years.  I keep finding superior sounding recent reissues of Jazz and Classical on Amazon at great prices.  E.g. Monteux's famous RCA Sleeping Beauty recording.  I have 3 vinyl issues, including a 1s/1s but the bass is not the best and the vinyl pressings are not quiet, hurting the delicate parts of the music.  The recent Australian Eloquence release, while missing a touch of ambiance (could be from being a 60 year old tape) has superior bass and is nearly totally quiet background.  A great CD release.  I've found that the Eloquence series sounds better than most Decca CD reissues  E.G. all of the Albert Wolff recordings.