CD mats, any good ones?

Does anyone use a CD mat that actually "improves" the sound. I have used AudioPrism BlackLight, glows in the dark, mat but heard no improvement in sound. I have heard good things about Madrigo Orpheus Crossbow mat, recommended by Cable Co, rather expensive....looking for feedback and any positive experiences.....or is this just a tweakers imagination....Regards Sam
Thanks meg.Sam,I thought I was the only one who heard nothing from A.P. glow mat.I tried another one .I think it is called stat mat.Clear plastic w/black pattern Lil'sucker got stuck in the player-the disc came out,no mat on top.It is in a landfill somewhere in Ca. now.I got that U.F.O. thing from Music Direct. A hand held demagnetiser, 300 big ones. But it works.Sort of like you just bought this mega buck power cord or line conditioner.--BLACK,BLACK background.Can't miss it.
George, I have to laugh when I see that add for UFO, I suppose it does similar thing to Bedini Clarifier, I've read that Radio Shack bulk tape eraser accomplishes de-gaussing for reasonable cost, perhaps I should look into this.....regards Sam
I've used Aurex CD mat. It's invented by a material science Ph.D. It's amazing! All my friends can hear the difference. It really improves CD sound quality. It costs only $30. My email is if you want to discuss more.
Ykchu, where did you buy your mat, and could describe the improvements you hear? Any negatives? Most high end CD manf will tell you there is no need for mat.....but what would you expect from them......George my local radio shack has heavy duty bulk demagnitizer for under $40, I may give it a try, although I hear this effect is only temporary and must be done each time CD is played....regards Sam