CD or Streaming... am I missing out?

I listen to CD in my headphone office system. Use a Theta Compli transport and a very nice and pricey tube 16/44 DAC. Have thought about a streaming capability and all its benefits but am both limited by SPDF and by 16/44 only. I also love the analog sound of my tube DAC. Does streaming sound far surpass CD? Am I missing out?
I just got my first streamer (Node2i) and Tidal about 6 months ago.  While I am enjoying the selection and music discovery, I cannot think of one time that I was simply blown away by the sound quality.  It's fine.... no complaints.... but I've not been bowled over by anything, like I am with CD or Vinyl playback.  I do know that streaming Tidal from my computer through my pro-audio interface sounds better than the Node2i.  I'm still very happy with the Node2i overall though.  Love the alarm feature. I wake up to an 80's new-wave station every morning.    
If your a music lover, streaming makes life simple, so much music readily ay hand!
If you’re an audiophile and sound is the issue, you’ll probably like your physical media more!
I began streaming two months ago. I am old school and enjoy opening a cd and putting it into a player. I am happy to say that I no longer have an interest in using a cd player. The fidelity of some hi-res recordings is to die for!
If you’re an audiophile and sound is the issue, you’ll probably like your physical media more!
Sound is the issue for me, that why I’ll stick with CD, even though not as convenient.

Just to go backwards to the vinyl days If convenience was the reason back then also I would have gone to 8 track/cassettes instead of staying with vinyl.

I’ve said it before, a few I know, have sold their huge 30+ years collection library of CD’s, gone over to to streaming, they now have given up on being audiophiles. Don’t come to the audio society meetings or members home gatherings for drinks and shoot outs between equipment, just gone MIA.

Cheers George