The MUSE MODEL EIGHT DVD/CD TRANSPORT & 296 DVD/CD PROCESSOR Combo, capable of handling the 24-bit/96kHz format is, at the very least, a EXCELLENT choice and further considered by most the best. - BAR NONE-. Perhaps and even better choice initially however, would be the new MUSE MODEL NINE CD/DVD PLAYER, the one box answer to the 8/296 combo. The NINE, like the EIGHT & TWO NINETY SIX, is based on DVD technology, and is capable of playing 8 & 12 cm versions of CD, DVD VIDEO & AAD's (ADVANCED AUDIO DISC) formats now available. The NINE comes in at $3,250.00 (half the cost of the 8/296 combo at $6,750) and I've been told, due to it's modular design, can be readily converted to the EIGHT Transport at a later date. This option certainly provides the flexibility of staging up to the more expensive pair, should you so decide, when the budget allows. I certainly can't justify buying ANY high quality CD-ONLY playback gear, now that this technology is available. With either the 8/296 transport combo or the single box NINE Player, you would then have the gear capable of functioning as your premiere signal source in BOTH your Audio & Video systems. If you don't subscribe to Stereophile Magazine, pick up the APRIL 99 Stereophile Recommended Component issue(Vol.22 NO4) if you possibly can. That issue has an extensive review that you will find very informative. Also same issue has interview with the MUSE Designer (MUSING ON 24/96) I know you would appreciate reading as well.