That would be great and should be available without question for the very reason you state. I can only speak to Qobuz, but some of the dig downloads I have purchased (new releases) have included cat numbers in the metadata.
I don't understand for the life of me, why the f*&% complete meta data isn't part of these dig purchases. It's not the services fault, but the labels that provide the files.
The streaming companies need to give the album Cat No. with all their streams/downloads, so you can find for yourself on the DRDB if
your paying for and listening to compressed rubbish.
That would be great and should be available without question for the very reason you state. I can only speak to Qobuz, but some of the dig downloads I have purchased (new releases) have included cat numbers in the metadata.
I don't understand for the life of me, why the f*&% complete meta data isn't part of these dig purchases. It's not the services fault, but the labels that provide the files.