Responses from redlenses03
"The room can totally wreck, or make, a system" A lot of good and varied responses / real experiences regarding room and how significant it is (generally speaking). It is a complex subject matter and one really important piece to this is context and goals - which always seem to be overlooked i... | |
My Analog Journey - Opinions Sought One thing I find interesting and is a pretty consistent theme on these types of threads/subjects, many of the indiv getting out of vinyl are the ones that have been at it for decades and decades. I suppose the whole ritual and $ looses its appeal ... | |
My Analog Journey - Opinions Sought @bipod72 great post. As one just getting into vinyl (i’m set on dig rig) I’m still in very early stages deciding on weather to make the jump as it is very $ to match a good dig rig, but your approach is really spot on. One doesn’t need one form... | |
The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues. move along, nothing to see here, clickbait | |
Would I be wasting my money to get a turntable? Adding on to what @thecarpathian stated, many of the comments also seem to revolve around the convenience factor of digital, which it certainly is, but that’s not the underlying reason not to get into vinyl. I mean it can be and is a valid reason ... | |
Would I be wasting my money to get a turntable? @grislybutter That is a pretty accurate diagram!! It’s not a shot at the analog group nor digital. It’s been said a million times, to get really good analog to match a well sorted dig rig, it costs $$. It’s about goals I think, do you want a ... | |
What should I look for when purchasing a quality album? @yoyoyaya - actually you hit on a a key point here and one I think is actually a very important part of the OP’s question. I too am starting a analog journey and learning the trials and tribulations already from the onset. From my very limited ex... | |
Thinking of Magnepan ... finally! Great thread @arafiq . Having been on the fence as well with mags, this "thought" comes up, kind of like dipping toes into vinyl . I have friends with 1.7i and have heard them many times and they do sound great. They do things really well and o... | |
Power Cord for Accuphase Amplifier @jfrmusic Really well written, it’s like there are actual adults still around 😄 @rtorchia I think the issue here is we all listen and perceive sound in different ways. It may simply be some are left brain and some right brain dominant. Ob... | |
DSD coming to Qobuz streaming? @wsrrsw Nope, my reference was pointing to a upsampling range that is most "popular", either 128 to 512 upsampling rates (higher is possible, but again getting into the weeds on this). Much of this depends on the HQP modulators used which is ve... | |
DSD coming to Qobuz streaming? Part of this depends on how "deep" one wants to get into DSD. Correct that the number of native DSD is small in comparison (still a lot available though) even more so with the style/genre you like. However, the vast majority of users? at least in... | |
ABX testing with AQ Dragon power cords @ditusa Thanks, I'll check it out. I've thought about getting dedicated circuits, just haven't found the time to take an in depth look into it. Also, not sure about how to find a quality electrician etc.. | |
ABX testing with AQ Dragon power cords @ditusa I agree! In my opinion, addressing the AC mains power coming in the home and the wiring in-wall is more important. All-wiring and grounding from the electrical pole to the audio equipment matters. 😎 See article here! Mike Interestin... | |
London Grammar? Incredible band, music. Hannah’s voice is hard to explain, but just wow. She’s an absolute favorite and hooks me in every time. Now this is pop music (so lets keep in in context) and not a large percentage of what I listen to on a reg basis, but,... | |
New In 2024 Wheel "Charismatic Leaders" - May 3rd (prog / metal'ish style) Freaking awesome band, their entire discography. Killer drummer, vocals....they have it all, finesse to hard and edgy A few pre release samples. |