Most Philips products have a rolled off top end. Combining this with lower grade cabling AND "softer" sounding electronics ( like most NAD stuff ) could definitely tilt the scales towards TOO soft and round sounding. You could try to band-aid the situation by switching to some overly bright cabling, but the end result of something like that is typically smearing or added sibilance.
With the cost of digital players these days, it wouldn't break the bank to simply try a new player. If you can find something that you like at Best Buy or Circuit City, you'll even have 30 days to see if the player was the real problem or not. Sean
With the cost of digital players these days, it wouldn't break the bank to simply try a new player. If you can find something that you like at Best Buy or Circuit City, you'll even have 30 days to see if the player was the real problem or not. Sean