I own an older two chassis Metronome, Audiomeca Mephisto II, and have owned CEC Tl-5100 and TL5 all used as transports. The Audiomeca was the best of the bunch for overall musicality. The Metronome was also very nice just a tad warmer. Unfortunately it is an older players now. The CEC TL-5100 was also very nice for the price but again an older unit.
The CEC TL3N is excellent, and the Project Audio transport was our favorite that simply was an instant sonic difference maker in about three system we tried it in. There was no going back and forth, it was simply the nicest sounding of them all. The lower priced transports are nice for the money but the Project was the one to purchase. The Jays was good, very dynamic but was not as musical as the older Metronome which we felt the Project was in another league all together.
Happy Listening.