CD upgrade opinions?

I currently have a Meridian 507 which has served me well, but I want a more analogue sound, more airy staging, and greater resolution and detail. In other words: A BETTER PLAYER!

My choices so far are a used Lector mki or new Rega Saturn. I will hear a highly recommended Naim this weekend. The model slips my mind, it retails for about $3000. I am told it beats the Rega, but I am sceptical.

What is the general consensus fellow audiophiles?
I have repalced 2-3 times more expensive CD players with the Raysonic 168. It has variable balanced tube outs which is so good, I no use my preamp
This is a very simple decision. Go for a Reference Audio
Mods E-Sound Signature edition. For $2,995 you get enough
mods for the E-Sound player, to beat anything stock under $10,000. I have the $5,995 version, which is the best sounding CD player, that I have heard, at any price.

I feed mine directly into a power amp, with a passive volume
control built in. It's an Art Audio Carissa Signature 845
based amp. It looks gorgeous, and sounds even better, than it

RAM, is owned by Kyle, usually a pleasant enough guy.

You kind of have to beg a little, flattery a must, because
Kyle is a multi-millionaire, who really doesn't need any of us. Mention Cary and he will charge you between 10 and 15%
I agree with Tweek1 only went with the fully modded 128.Beautiful sound top to bottom.

Best of luck,Bob