CD v Streamed

Uncompressed CD audio will take about 10.6mb per minute to play, to stream that takes big space and dollars to stream an album, see what your streaming company’s takes mb per minute to stream, find out and post up here.

I hear CD’s are better, I get better dynamic range from CD every time it’s A/B to me, now that could be that the streaming companies are using the "later compressed re-issues" of the same albums, you can find that out here
Or that the streaming process itself compresses the music to save "streaming size" to save big dollars even if in small amounts.

Here’s a video from the CEO of Disc Makers Pty Ltd, yes he probably also biased because he manufacturers CD’s and vinyl, and is a very bad dancer.

Cheers George

Here is Stereophile's music writer/reviewer (Tom Fine) that also believes what I been saying about the best CD's being the first release issues being uncompressed and sounding the best, and the later issues being "crunched dynamically" and says it here with the Crosby Stills Nash and Young  Déjà Vu  album 
"The first CD is the original album, sourced from the original tapes. Chris Bellman at Bernie Grundman Mastering used a light hand at the mastering console and kept the original dynamics and tonal qualities. It's superior to the two prior issues on 5" shiny plastic: It's not so much that they were stereotypically bad CDs (although the 1994 reissue, made at the dawn of the awful Loudness Wars, is somewhat dynamics-crunched); it's that this version is a really good demonstration of how good a CD can sound. Spin it on a top-grade player or through a good DAC and behold the state of the studio-recording art in late 1969."

Cheers George
George,   That doesnt apply if your a dealer in Jersey City. They have magic electricity over there that turns compression and brickwalling into stunning detail and clarity unavailable elsewhere. Id move there but the Carcinogens from the nearby gas refineries and NYC would take years off my life.

They have magic electricity over there that turns compression and brickwalling into stunning detail and clarity unavailable elsewhere

Jersey City, I heard that also, maybe the "Dynamic Range Data Base" site should only accept comparisons of the same CD/Albums regardless of version vintage be listed/downloaded from there only.😉

Cheers George
Post removed 
I’d say the answer to "which sounds better" is "depends".

Let’s assume that the "chains" in your system sound equally good:

CD player/DAC = Streaming source/DAC

I find that often the hi-res master that’s available for streaming from Qobuz is oftentimes more-recently mastered and oftentimes does sound a bit better than the mastered version on my CD.

I also find that some of my SACDs do sound a bit better then the FLAC files from Qobuz, but that’s atypical.

More times than not, I will select the Qobuz version over my CD/SACD version.