Joe, I honestly wish you could hear my CD50 in my system, without a linestage, with the balanced interconnects. Ultimately, it is much better and more cost effective than separates (except for the dCS rig, coupled with a linestage like an ARC R2, CAT Ultimate, BAT VK-50se, CJ ART, etc). And that's about 10 to 15 times the cost of a used CD50. But...I would advise you NOT to go this route, if you don't already own more than 300 CD's, and might soon feel like you're being left behind by SACD or DVD-Audio (and do something like sell all your CD's). Personally, I enjoy vinyl very much, also. My linestage doesn't measure up to the rest of my system, and if I already had one of the very best linestages, I'd just try an upsampling DAC (Perpetual, Bel Canto, MSB, dCS). If you're made of money, just get the dCS, and a $20,000+ preamp...more power to ya. Hope you use ASC traps...the room is oh so important.
CD with volume control/ no preamp.
I have a CJ 11a amp, Audible Illusions L1, Adcom CD player (about 6 years old), and new MSB DAC al with high quality MIT cables. When I run the system with no preamp using the cheap volume control on the CD player, the soundstage is wider with more detail. Do I get rid of the preamp/DAC and maybe upgrade to a better CD player with volume control, like wadia or resolution audio. Or do I try a better Transport/DAC? Which path should I head down for best sound?