CDP-Tube Suggestions

Its tube time again. I would like to try out a different tube in my Jolida JD-100 tube output CD player. It uses a pair of 12ax7s but 5751s will work as well.

I am looking to try a "warm" sounding tube this time around. I am currently using the stock tubes, which BTW, I dont really know what they are. Warm and full vocals with a little taming of the highs is what i am after.

I have tried EH 12ax7s, NOS RCA 5751 blackplates, EI 12ax7s, GE JAN 5751s and found none of them to be all that "warm" in my system. Not that they arent good, I just want something different on the plate so to speak.

The stock Jolida tubes are definately more rolled back in the upper octaves but still sound a little dry, or not robust, in the mids. Especially vocals.

I am thinking NOS Mullards, but I thought I would run this one buy you guys and see what you all thought. Thanks in advance.

I have tried 5751 Sylvanixa triple mica GB 5751, EH 12AX7 .. Amparex 12AX7, GE 5751 and few others, 5751 seems to be more analytical (Dry ?) while 12AX7 with good vocal on the warm side but not good bass .. Here is a one more tube which I am using for last 4 months, I preferred them over all of the above .. RCA 7058 really nice tube, I don't know much more about it, someone suggested these tubes 2-3 years back for my jolida hybrid, I tried those in CD player and they are great ..

Hope this helps.


Interesting thread. I think the Sovtek 12AX7WA exhibits a slightly warmer and more robust sound than the stock, EH and Telso JJ tubes in the JD-100. At the same time it tames the highs well without sounding appreciably more rolled off than any of the others. Drawbacks? Well, I think it just lacks a touch of clarity compared to the EH and the stock tubes. But, this is a close call.

In any event, at less than $10 for a pair it is a no brainer to add them to your inventory.

In the meantime, I off looking for some alternates as suggested in this thread.
Thanks so much for your input. I will probably make a decision on monday. Probably a pair of NOS Mullards (CV4004) if I can find them, and probably a pair of Sovteks.

I will come back and post how they sounded in the Jolida. But while I am here I might as well share my thoughts on the tubes I have tried.

Stock (Sino?) 12ax7 ---- warm, fairly articulate bass, reduced upper end, overall not bad with my analytical system. not quite rich enough and just a smidge to much "air" lost.

EH 12ax7 --- Neutral, not a lot of richness, but accurate nonetheless. not quite as "dry" as some of the others. Not a bad choice if you dont want tonal changes. I used this tube most and feel it works well if you want a little more top end without tonal change in the middle.

EI 12ax7 --- plenty of highs, laid back mids, not upfront with vocals (polite?), gives a great 3D presentation. Good bass but needs a lot of warm-up before it can.

NOS RCA 5751s --- fairly neutral, a little edgy on the top, very similar to the EH, with a tad deeper bass but a little drier as well. The reduced output of the 5751 is hardly noticable FWIW.

GE JAN 5751 --- Deep bass, but didnt work well for me, seemed 1 dimensional and lifeless in my system.

Hope these descriptions give someone a little help.
Hmmm, I see there are several Sovtek 12ax7's to choose from.
12ax7LP, LPS, WA, WB, WC and maybe more. Any suggestions?
Nealhood, Thanks so much for your post, which I should have read more closely, you specified WA's. Thanks again.

I do remember reading somewhere about the Sovtek LPS's being a good audio tube. As cheap as they are maybe I will just buy a pair of each.