Ceiling Exhaust Fan -How loud is .5 sones?

Can any1 please provide an example of how loud would .3 to .5 sones be?
Could it be equivalent with the machanism of a noisy cheapo DVD player?
*Please focus on sones (sound level?) and not going off topic such my room size, cfm, wattage, or other options like open the windows, adding AC lines or a return line, etc. Thanks
Panasonic has few of them that can generate .3 to .5 sones: http://www.rewci.com/panfv05.html
Your question is difficult to answer as the rating system is based on a number of factors, much like trying to calculate savings from insulation in an attic :^).

From the internet, a sone is a unit of perceived loudness after a proposal of Stanley Smith. Loudness is a subjective measure of the sound pressure. One sone is equivalent to 40 phons, which is defined as the loudness of a 1 kHz tone at 40 dBSPL.

The volume of a sound is a subjective perception. To "measure" loudness the volume of a 1,000 hertz reference tone is adjusted until it is perceived by listeners to be equally as loud as the sound being "measured."

The loudness level, in phons, of the sound is then equal to the sound pressure level, in decibels.

Short answer, (In my opinion), If the fan is near you and you have a very quiet room you will hear it.
"I belive Home Depot has a display where you can hear various fans."

Thanks Jd,
It's great if they have many of them side-by-side for testing and I'd be greatly delightful & will keep that in mind.
However, unlike my WELL TREATED HT room, the noise inside home depot is tramendously loud. It's like audition new pair of speakers sharing a room with a jet engine running. Lol.
"Short answer, (In my opinion), If the fan is near you and you have a very quiet room you will hear it."

Thanks Albert,
If any1 can confirm .3 or .5 sones is as noisy as the back of the computer fan, that'd be ecellent and I can live with that.