Celestion Ditton 66’s. ‘Upgrade’ to modern speakers consequences?

I have some vintage Celestion Ditton 66’s that have had their crossovers professionally recapped and serviced. All speaker units are in excellent condition.

My question is.. what might I gain and what might I lose (sonically not financially..) by replacing them with high quality large/floor standing speakers manufactured in the last decade or so?

My amplification set up is a Yamaha C4 preamp and a Yamaha 2200 power amplifier both recently recapped and serviced.

Source is mostly streaming Tidal or CD player via a Chord Hugo DAC, and occasionally some vinyl.


Sorry to ask but ate your Yamaha, especially the power amp up to the task?

I guess that your Dittons can handle an upgrade from better (sonically) amplification.

That is what i would do.


Keep and use your system as is! I am familiar with the components. It is a fine system. Good that you had the Yamaha gear serviced. They will be good for another twenty years or so! The Ditton 66's are still excellent speakers! 

Thanks guys, appreciate the feedback.

@jasonbourne52 thanks for the reassurance and, yes, I think these two Yamaha amps have excellent reputations and pedigree. Internals share some similarities with Accuphase, especially these early models, and the P2200 apparently still in service in many LA recording studios.

@petg60 nice, even flattered, to think that the Ditton 66’s are so special that the Yamaha amps are the weaker link in my system but would be interested to hear what their failings might be? My understanding is that the Dittons are very efficient and don’t need much power to sound loud. However, high current and high damping factor amplification allows the Dittons to perform to their fullest potential.

Would be good to know if there’s another level to be achieved by purchasing more contemporary speakers. Would it be a ‘higher’ level of audio quality, or just a ‘different’ audio signature?

If you like that British sound signature try to audition  some modern speakers along the same lines - Harbeth, Monitor, Tannoy. I actually have a pair of Ditton 100s in the guest room that I like very much.