I have just compared the Cerious Technologies Graphene XLR interconnects to the new Reveal ( magnet) XLR interconnects. Although others have claimed the magnet interconnects to be superior to the Cerious. I’m here to tell you that I am not one.
Once I removed and replaced the Cerious Graphene cables with the magnet cable the sound stage became dark, lacking separation and the frequency extremes. I did this comparison over some time after letting each version settle in for a few days.
Now, this could be that I have a complete loom of all Cerious cables and substituting just one interconnect from another manufacturer is not fair. But I cannot afford the prices charged for the magnet cables to try and replace all of the Cerious Graphene cables.
Again, this is in my system and with my ears, so your impression may be different. But this "audiophile" is sticking with the Cerious Technologies Graphene cables.
Why would this outcome be any different compared to the tests you did with HFC in the past? Just because they are XLR? Its an inferior product to HFC products you tried. Seems like you all you wanted to do was just bash the product from what I can see.