"... years in the hobby and business has taught me the latest is not always the greatest"
Well said Bill.
Usually I stay out of threads that venture of into personal preferences because itÂ’s mostly a lost cause in that everyone is entitled to their own opinion no matter how I feel about their point of view. However, I do enjoy learning why individuals have specific preferences. It seems like there are a good many valid pints on this topic. However, if the guy doesn't like the sound of his current cart and wants to change (only the cartridge)...
I've heard and set up a few of these "top" cartridges in my system or extremely familiar systems of friends. At this level of performance (not cost) it ultimately boils down to listener preference in addition to the way the arm, table and downstream components integrate. (Un)fortunately there are very few systems that are alike in total presentation of sound, components, and environment. Each becomes unique from that context. However, even though different, systems can be tailored to deliver the music (your favorite kind) the way you, the owner, wants it.
Then there are those of us who want the natural face of an incredibly wide range of music genre and styles without the makeup for better or for worse. Thom, what was the definition of insanity again?