@ghasley ,
thanks a lot for your great information and opinion.
I believe it will be very important to listen to a similar system in my room. It is a living room and not a dedicated listening room. That is also an advantage on the side of the AN, which are less room imposing. The Wilson need to be at leat 1 m inside the room. Corner placement won’t be a problem. In fact it is desirable. I am afraid it can bet a little boomy, but only listening. As I have solid brick walls, I think it will be an advantage.
I am satisfied with my system, which has Transparent cables all around I got hooked with SET’s listening to the O/96 with JADIS 300B monoblocks Great sound indeed, but the O96 won’t fit my room, because I need corner placement. The problem with SET’s is that it can be adictive! Listening to the system in my AN dealer the system sounded great! But it had room treatments and it is a must to try and have a listen on my own environment
Another concern is the power . I listened to a A N E Lexus 94db with a P2, with 8 watts and it seemed ok. But I also must listen in my room.
Another question I have is the use of silver versions I opted (in my mind) for the AN-E/SPe HE because it is level 3 and the Lexus are level 2. I didn’t hear them. I also got a quote for the P3 silver but don’t know if there is a great advantage and if 5hose options don’t make me choose a more expensive cable on the V series, instead of copper cable.
your comments helped a lot. Thanks!