Dear All,

I got hooked by the SET sound and am considering selling my Audio Research based system (REF 5 SE preamp and REF150 power) and Wilson SOPHIA 3 speakers. In exchange I would buy a level 3/4 system. M3 phono balanced input pre, P3 Tonnmeister power and AN E AN-E-SPe HE 98db or  AN-E/SPx ALNICO 95 dB speakers. 

However, considering the good quality I already have, I fear being a little downgraded. Wonder what is your opinion. 

My room allows corner placement, and has 30 m2 with 2,4 m height ceiling. 

Best regards,


@ghasley ,


thanks a lot for your great information and opinion. 
I believe it will be very important to listen to a similar system in my room. It is a living room and not a dedicated listening room. That is also an advantage on the side of the AN, which are less room imposing. The Wilson need to be at leat 1 m inside the room. Corner placement won’t be a problem. In fact it is desirable. I am afraid it can bet a little boomy, but only listening. As I have solid brick walls, I think it will be an advantage. 

I am satisfied with my system, which has Transparent cables all around  I got hooked with SET’s listening to the O/96 with JADIS 300B monoblocks  Great sound indeed, but the O96 won’t fit my room, because I need corner placement. The problem with SET’s is that it can be adictive!  Listening to the system in my AN dealer the system sounded great! But it had room treatments and it is a must to try and have a listen on my own environment  

Another concern is the power . I listened to a A N E Lexus 94db with a P2, with 8 watts and it seemed ok. But I also must listen in my room. 

Another question I have is the use of silver versions  I opted (in my mind) for the AN-E/SPe HE because it is level 3 and the Lexus are level 2. I didn’t hear them. I also got a quote for the P3 silver but don’t know if there is a great advantage and if 5hose options don’t make me choose a more expensive cable on the V series, instead of copper cable. 

your comments helped a lot. Thanks!

@ghasley : good review of two different systems! I think the OP should just sell the Wilson's and get the Devore 096's. Keep the ARC gear and get an Audio Note SE amp for alternate listening. No need for an AN preamp!

I think member jasonbourne52 is  on to something and I agree.  I would try the Devore speakers and if you like them with your current ARC electronics, you just saved a boatload of money.  If still in doubt, try the AN electronics.  I just don’t see how those AN speakers are so expensive seeing as they are based on the Snell speakers which were not that expensive in the first place. I just don’t see how you can get real good bass out of speakers with an 8 inch woofer, no matter how far they are stuffed into the corners. 



Since corner placement is of primary concern, AN-E’s are worth a try. In addition, the signature versions of Audio Note electronics are the sweet spot in the line up. I would take for example a silver signature level 3 over a base version level 4. You dont have to run silver interconnects or speaker cable but you can always upgrade to those later if you want to squeeze out more performance. The E-Spe’s are wired with silver wire but have copper voicecoils so you dont need to go crazy with silver ic’s and speaker cable unless you want to eek out the last 1-2% of performance. In my opinion, the 8wpc from a 300b set is barely enough for the spe he’s depending on your listening preferences. I listen at low levels but like dynamic snap when called upon. YMMV.


I also concur with @jasonbourne52 ​​​​@stereo5 that you havent heard how good your ARC gear can sound yet. Far from it. Frankly, your 5se preamp is so good you will have to spend $$$$$ to better it within Audio Note. You might even consider hanging on to your 5se if funds allow. Its a special preamp that will be in high demand for many years to come on the preowned market and maintain its value. And good luck finding another one if you change your mind and want it back.


Any of us who have taken a deep dive down the Audio Note rabbit hole will attest that its great gear, it does what it does very well but if you are buying new, it depreciates far more initially than you may think. A big haircut awaits if you want to reverse course. A really cool option for you might be for you to demo a ref80s amp with the audio note E’s. Then you could sell your ref150 and buy the ref80s. The ref80s has a triode mode and I would be very curious how that system would perform with the AN-E’s. If you are demoing the e’s and they don’t quite float your boat, you could reverse course and pick up a pair of Sabrinas...they are a bit more placement agnostic than the Sophias IMO. I have a friend who has Vandersteen Quattros(I dont recall the version naming conventions) with a similar ARC setup and given the adjustable bass on those speakers, he has them very close to the walls/corners with fine results.


Good luck and as always seems to be the case, be careful when your setup is predetermined by domestic/decor priorities. You will have a wide sweetspot with the E’s in your room but that sweetspot won’t be as sweet as you might think. They sound pretty good no matter where you happen to sit but all of that toe in that is required, I repeat required, for the Audio Notes will compromise your presentation in other areas. With the E’s in my systems and rooms, I found myself feeling that they don’t suck musically and are a terrific speaker for a normal domestic setting. Just please don’t slip into the trap that some of us slip into when we think we are going to have dedicated listening room performance in a non-dedicated listening room. That won’t happen.

Great advise from you all! Thanks!
@ghasley , you said it all about the REF5SE. It is indeed a great and special,preamp! One of the things I feel about this business is that I am exchanging a very special preamp for an inferior one, although great sounding. A little bit the same about the Sophia’s, being changed for very plain AN E model, because a level 4 model more than doubles the price. it is a great idea the ref80 issue. I will give it a try.

At the end, it is a question of liking the sound of AN and I do a lot. The JADIS with the O96 really impressed me. I felt music and emotion in their presentation. I coul hear the effort made by a singer to pass the emotion. Believe me, it was unforgettable. I could go for this combo, JADIS with Devore. But I think it will be too much for my living room. I posted a picture on my profile with the system in the room. A corner placement would be great for the room. The Devore will be bad for the room.

I also must say that the AN system didn’t impress me as much as the Devore/ Jadis. But I liked it a lot. Where I starting from scratch and if money wasn’t an issue, I would buy and live happily with the AN system for the rest of my life (if one can say that for sure).