Cheap Speaker "Isolation" Solution for 300 lb. Speaker

 Good Afternoon All,

I am looking for advice on a cheap and simple isolation solution for large, heavy (325 lb. each) floorstanding speakers. 

I've read much advice on granite or marble slabs, multiple layers of cork, springs, etc; while this has been helpful, it is neither a cheap or simple solution. 

Ultimately, I am looking to protect my wood floor from damage these very heavy speakers might do, as well as decouple the speaker from the floor in order to reduce bass resonance (I am in an apartment complex and worry about noise complaints). I've looked into sorbothane pads, but they never seem to be able to hold this much weight.


Showing 10 responses by geoffkait

How did I misrepresent what you said? I think I represented it quite well. It’s kind of hard to tell what you really mean sometimes, you know what with your way of speaking in puzzles and rhymes.
Oh, I dunno, why try to emulate a spring when you can just use an actual spring. Springs maintain their performance and are scalable. If your diamond dampers are really so great how come LIGO doesn’t use them for isolation? 
Let’s try this again:

The thing that is closest to equivalence of final result (of 2 Hz) when using the diamond dampers, is a precision/lab grade anti-vibration wideband safe table.
Report t

>>>>You realize how preposterous that sounds, right?
Speaking of Diamonds there are the Shun Mook Diamond Resonators to consider. Nothing transfers energy faster than diamond. Yes, I know what you’re thinking: why would you want something resonating in the room?
No discussion of isolation would be complete without mentioning Super Balls.
The problem you face with springs is the same old problem - the springs need to be widely spaced, so that means you would need some structure to allow the springs to be placed in a wide pattern, pattern outside the dimensions of the speaker footprint. Otherwise the speakers will topple over. 

It is feasible to construct a large 3x3 CROSS that the speakers sit on with springs of the correct stiffness under the CROSS at each of the 4 corners. Tricky but feasible. That’s a DIY Townshend Podium. But something that heavy is dangerous on any support IMHO.