Chord 2 Qute vs Metron Amethyst or Border Patrol S

The search goes on... and like many modern searches without hearing the components.
On the fence.  Saw good deal on Chord 2 Qute, but don't know if the sound of the Metron ( or similar style DAC like the Border Patrol etc ) would fit the bill. Has anyone heard these DACs.  If so a few comments on the "sound" would be helpful.  My system and tastes tends toward the more natural musical style.
A lot of folks tout the R2R NOS DACs as having a natural or organic sound to them.  If you’re not opposed to tubes the MHDT Orchid and MHDT Tubadour lll would be worth a look.  Best of luck. 
Ugh.  Thanks @1markr — you are, of course, correct.  Not sure about the Orchid, but the Tubadour has the benefit of being able to be upgraded to “SE” version, which is apparently a very significant improvement in performance.