
Discussions 1markr has started

Latest Psvane WE300B-Plus Tubes - Any Feedback?1388117
Transcendent "The Masterpiece" Preamp feedback?114195
Where to get Arizona Capacitor's Green Cactus Caps74803
Bass Drivers - Quickest / Best Way to Break In?667123
Off Topic: Any Photography Sites Like Audiogon?39589
Importance of wall behind listener?1145714
BAT VK-600 or McCormack DNA-50035061
Plinius Amps mated with Merlin VSM-Ms?62787
How to see if there's DC at my AC outlets?35739
Where to use plants as diffusors?30293
Quick Poll: For Berning / Merlin Owners41476
Recommended Transports for an Audio Aero DAC704212
Audio Aero Capitole MKI vs. MKII53095
Merlin's BAM with ERS and puck tweak123166
Sorry, yet another987422