Chord 64dac

I am using classe dac1 at the moment and thinking to change it to chord 64dac, Any opinion on this one, I have been read the review from hifi plus mag and it has a positive review but on the other hand it also had negative review on hifichioce mag, They said it not even sound goood as cd player at the same price. Is that true, what you think about it. My system also chord pre and power.

Showing 3 responses by chris_si

Really it not even in the same league as audio aero capitole
because i have seen people upgrade from audio aero to chord in audio asylum site and he said there also impovement over the capitole. However what is the ZANDEN, just wondering, never heard them before.
Hi everyone, So did you guys try others dac as well before brought the chord. Is it really outperform twice the price dac and cd player.
To. the dac 64 user
Is their any problem with digital inputs because i heard that the aes/balance input is not work and it's sound bad with optical inputs.
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