Class A 30 Watt Amps: Are they enough to drive my book shelfs?

Currently looking at buying a Pass Labs XA 30.5 to drive my Kef 201/2 speakers which are rated at 86 DB sensitivity.  Is this a bad move?
I drive a pair of Vandersteen 5As with a Class A 30wpc amp.  They are 87db but have powered subs.  Should not be an issue as Class A is high current.  Happy Listening.
P.S. to my previous post, regarding the Benchmark statement that was quoted by Kijanki:

Looking at it quantitatively, and choosing a listening distance of 10 feet as an example, and putting aside room effects for the moment, an SPL reduction of 6 db per doubling of distance can be calculated to result in a reduction of 9.68 db at a listening distance of 10 feet, compared to a distance of 1 meter.

A difference of 9.68 db corresponds to a difference of 9.28 times in terms of power. So at that 10 foot listening distance only 1/9.28th as much acoustic power would reach the listener’s ears via the direct path from the speaker compared to what would reach the listener’s ears at 1 meter, in the absence of room reflections.

So for room reflections to compensate for the distance-related loss of 9.68 db it would mean that 8.28 times as much acoustic power would have to be reaching the listener’s ears as a result of room reflections than would be reaching the listener’s ears via the direct path from the speakers. And that would seem to be much too large an effect to be expectable under usual conditions. Especially under conditions that are conducive to good sonics.

Best regards,
-- Al

I just bought that same amp here. I have Sonus faber Chameleon B's, 4 ohm 87 db, and was worried about driving them. But I can tell you it drives them well beyond my listening needs and never once has left Class A. Fantastic amp.
What I suggest sinc3 I use Stand mounts sometimes is a very good Subwoofer like the SVS -sb3000 which is superb and not that expensive ,it allows your speakers ,as well as your Amplifier to run much more efficient from 70 hz or so on down the sub handles all the heavy duty current , 30 wpc in class A ,no sweat.
i run a 25 watt  pass Labs at 14 ftaway  into the mid 90 dB range with 4 ohm 86 dB Loudspeakers with my Svs 3000 sub.