Class A amplifiers - which are considered the best

I have heard Accuphase makes the highest quality pure class A amplifiers. Wanted to get some feedback on folks experience with their amps and any other amp manufacturers that would be in their league (or better) for class a amps. thanks
Thanks George. I have had the pleasure of meeting the Audiopax designer, Eduardo, on a few occasions. A true genius and I believe he has produced something very special with this new amplifier. Early days still - I just hope people get the chance to audition these.
Your amplifier is 'single ended' with the KT88? Are`nt SET amps pure class A by virtue of design(they can`t be class AB I believe).
I don't think they are single ended as they have series and parallel output tubes, this is said to behave like single ended without actually being single ended.

Cheers George
What I saying is if a tube is run as SET/SET-P(parallel) be they DHT or pentode(KT-88 in this case) it can 'only' be done in full class A operation i.e. there`s no class B portion possible with SET design.
This is correct the bias on a true SET amp increases and decreases the power (watts) and it stays class A. And then there's Class A1 with SET's that's another kettle of fish.

But what you said about Vick's amp was
"vicks,Your amplifier is 'single ended' with the KT88?"

And I said "no I think it's a hybrid of some sorts that acts like single ended."

Cheers George