Sorry Ralph while I am familiar with your work, I have no first hand experience. But you are one of the few who manufacturers quality from what I can see. I remember also using Caddock resistors back in the day also.
spenav - while we have been asked to have our components reviewed many times, we have not had our components reviewed. I understand that your mom is your greatest fan also. While we have our opinions on the comparisons, most of my comments regarding the sound of our components comes from people who bring their equipment over to hear with the speakers in our listening room, Sonus Farber, Horning, Vandersteen, Alon, Dynauido, Klipsch, Verity, Rogers, ProAc, etc. They come to our listening room to hear the differences. We also provide upgrade service and repair service. For example, recently and highly regarded DAC was brought in and after hearing the differences, we were asked to upgrade that DAC. Same goes for many other components. That allows us to also hear things and we actually learn more of what can be accomplished. Again, we are not there to pound our chests but to help others improve their systems. It is very enjoyable to us.
Regarding reviewing our products, we barely can keep up with the work we have now. Hand made products take time to manufacturer. It is a labor of love for us.
I hope that I have explained ourselves so that everyone understands that we are in this together and not for us to think we are better than anyone in anyway. I realized a long time ago, that what we do is really for us first. We are always learning and improving. We are always open to hearing new things
Anyone who is in the NYC area, contact us, we are more than happy to host a visit.
Happy Listening.