Mrtennis, I have Apogee Scintillas. Of all the systems in my area, mine sounds closest to a $150,000 SET system, with mine certainly leading in real size, and in everything else IMHO.
Like another SET owner told me, "You and I are climbing the same mountain. We are just taking different paths."
Are you into vintage tube amps, or vintage tubes?
My DAC is an Audio Note DAC. That is as much tubes as I want to fuss over. I see what my tube gear cohorts go through testing one vintage tube after another for every component. Egads! :)
My system is listed here.
Like another SET owner told me, "You and I are climbing the same mountain. We are just taking different paths."
Are you into vintage tube amps, or vintage tubes?
My DAC is an Audio Note DAC. That is as much tubes as I want to fuss over. I see what my tube gear cohorts go through testing one vintage tube after another for every component. Egads! :)
My system is listed here.