Class D or Hybrid Amp for Fritz Rev 7 speakers

I am a long-time member but very seldom post. However, I value the expertise here as I have not bought a lot of audio equipment in my day. My goal in 2014 is to upgrade my power amp to hopefully get more detail, a better midrange, and better soundstage. After upgrading the amp, my plan is to upgrade the pre-amp in 2015.

I had some great recommendations on potential tube amps but when I started reading the manuals, I realized that I don’t have the rack space to suit a higher powered tube amp. It seems like there is a lot of discussion here on Class D so I thought I would ask for comments/help.

My current system consists of MacMini/Rega DAC/Acurus RL11 preamp/Acurus A250 power amp/Fritz Rev 7 speakers. The Rev 7s are 4 ohm, 89 db sensitivity. I plan to keep these for a long time so want an amp to match. The Acurus equipment was modded a couple years ago.

My budget is approximately $2K used or new. As of now, my plan is to try a hybrid tube amp (Rogue or Audio by Van Alstine) or Class D amp. If I don’t get one of the hybrids, I would be intrigued by Class D amps such as Channel Islands, W4S, and Bel Canto.

One criteria is that they would have to be compatible with a tube pre-amp as I wan tto try tubes somewhere in my system. In 2015, I plan to upgrade the pre-amp. I have not heard Class D or tubes extensively so I don’t have a strong inclination. However, it seems that I could put together a nice combination using a class D or hybrid with a tube preamp.

Given my budget and system, are there any obvious combinations that you would recommend? Thanks in advance for any comments.
I also had Virtue Sensation M901 with upgraded power supply and tube buffer. Sound wise the sound stage was rendered kind of small and imaging was not spot on, but the singer's voice was warm and upfront...which was great for vocal music. I actually thought the amp sounded better with Focus 110's. The Fritz 7 is a great speaker and I don't think I ever did it justice with the amps I paired it with at the time. I talked to Fritz on the phone and from what I gather the Rev 7 is more resolving in the highs, more tight in the lows, and a little more detailed in the mid-range. I think that basically would be the Focus 110's with a better crossover, lower bottom and, and more detail...but smooth.
After doing some research, I narrowed it down to the nCore 400 or the Rogue hybrid amps (Medusa/Hydra). I really wanted to hear the nCore 400 but I found a very nice deal on the Medusa and went with that.

I am very happy with the choice. It seems to work great with my speakers and is a significant upgrade over the Acurus. There is definitely an increase in detail but that is not the most significant benefit. The soundstage is greatly improved and there is a smoothness in the mid-range that I did not have before. Additionally, I don’t get a glare/hardness on high notes like I did with the Acurus.

Of course, after getting this improvement, I am busy thinking of the next upgrade. The big one is going to be a tube pre-amp to go with the Medusa. That will probably wait until late this year or 2014. In the meantime, I am going to:

1. Upgrade from my Blue Jeans speaker cable
2. Upgrade from the stock Medusa powercord, and
3. Consider trying new AU7 tubes from the Phillips JAN 5814 tubes currently In it ( I will wait a few months before trying this)

Thanks again to all for the comments on this thread. It was very helpful to get opinions from a group of people with this much knowledge.
You could've continued to mod the Acurus amp instead of buying a new amp. I learned from experience how much the sound may change or improve from swapping out a few OEM parts for high quality parts. I never used a solder iron before I got into this hobby that has now turned into an addiction. You've been warned!

Start with decoupling power supply electrolytics with V-Caps rated at .47uf or higher capacitance. You'll hear a very impressive improvement to the soundstage. This is where my inspiration comes from -