Classe' amps

I just bought a Classe' CAP -151 integrated, and i love it.I am womdering,for future consideration,if anyone has used Classe'amps,and what was your experience? I am using Wadia DAC/transport, and Energy Veritas V 1.8 speakers. Thank you in advance for any suggestions.
I've owned a DR-3, VHC, and now own a DR-8 in my office system. IMHO, the amps designed by Dave Reich were the best Classe ever did, they all have a DR in the model number. I agree with Jack, after Classe you do begin to slide down the slippery slope of diminishing returns. Unequaled value in my books. Jeff
I started with a cap-80 on a small bedroom system. In time that piece evolved and split into seperates(CP-50/CA101). Some time after that the CA101 sprouted legs and walked away.(It was never heard from again). I then added a CA301 to replace the 101 being that this piece is much heavier I figure I can catch it before it gets to far:~) Yes I like Classe. I also run a Dac1 in my system which sounds nice.
Welcome to the CAP 151 club. I have an early "black" face version and love the full rich sound it produces. While shopping I was surprised to hear a distinct difference between the equivalent Classe separates verses the integrated amp. The set up was an ARCAM CD 92 and Aerial 6 speakers. The separate pre amp and amp configuration sounded weaker. It wasn't as "full" and "robust" a sound as the intergrated equivalent. This has made taught me to be very critical in evaluating the separates and don't assume they'll automatically sound as good as the integrated editiions. My guess is the more powerful amp versions should sound OK but it was a surprise to hear the qualitative differences for similar type pieces by the same manufacturer. Ultimately, as everyone says, "Let your ears decide through A-B testing!"
I've owned Classe DR-10, CA-100, and CA-200. All outstanding amps. IMHO, my CA-100 had better low-end tightness and detail vs. the DR-10. The CA-200 was better yet. All of these amps were used to drive my Thiel CS 1.5 speakers which are the only original pieces I still have in my system since I got involved in this crazy hobby 8 years ago. Everything else has been swapped out several times over.

I no longer own any Classe gear only because I've gotten the bug to play with tubes but I agree with others here that Classe offers a lot of "bang for the buck" and they're right at that sweet spot as you approach diminishing returns.

I'd love to get a CA-201 but I can't afford to keep my tube gear AND good SS too.
Gentleman, I appreciate you imput. I agree that no one wants to fall into "The Audio Abyss" of diminishing return. I plan on keeping the Classe' for a long time.As long as any of us keep anything in this illness known as Audio Insanity.