Classe DR-5

Hey Guys,
this bad boy ticks every box that I require...But, does it sound ok?
I used to use the DR6/DR9 combo as I felt it was a touch better than my friend's DR5/DR8.

But, you definitely can't go wrong with the DR5 (at it's current going rate) as it is still a good preamp as compared to today's top preamps - not as transparent and detailed as current preamps

It also has a great onboard phono stage which I have used (in the DR6) for many many years before I got a standalone phono amp.

In fact, I still have my DR6/DR9 combo (lying around dormant) as they are - haha - that much hard to let go
Is the DL-5 the same as the DR-5 except for the DL-5 not having a phono stage? They appear to be the same otherwise.