CLASSE - Great amps or highly flawed?

Some love them. Others criticize:

Highly colored.

Midrange nice, but euphonic & not accurate.

Highs rolled off, and given an electronic sheen.

Overall dark sound.

Imaging only so-so.

Lack transparency.

Textured sounding.

Bass somewhat lacking definition & loose.

What's your opinion??
I love the Hostess cupcake analogy. Drives me crazy when some teenager (even the grownup ones) says "that's just your opinion" in response to my saying a particular cake or pie (or taco) is better than another. There are standards, and there is such a thing as quality.

You lost me, otoh, with the appeal to the authority of the "40 other audiophiles on AudioReview."

I have never knowingly listened to the expensive and well reviewed Classes, but while I have an "opinion" on the less expensive Classe amps that I have had in my home on audition (decided not to buy them), like Pops, I don't see any point to this thread either.
all talk and no music makes a bad boy very very bad.... seems to me we like to argue about points of view... which we all know about mans poision is another mans cup of tea...I see the real listeners argue points very little........
TO: all the above audiogoners (won't mention names) that are bashing Kev's all important thread: is classe worth the money Being new in this field its threads like this that keeps me from being sucked in by "professional" reviewers hype as well by big full page ads and some audiogoners biased opinions. If your research reveals a weakness in a product lets hear your opinion. If you disagree no reason to attempt to discredit the questioner. Remember this is the USA NOT russia... We've all fell into pitfalls along the way ie. bought what we wish we had'nt. Its these kind of threads that lead us to a better understanding of the products out there.
Thanks, Tweekerman, for defending me and the original reason for my thread. This thread has basically served to allow others to spew upon me nastiness, condescension, and anger; which has only served to reveal their personality flaws and emotional problems. If you can't handle another opinion or questioning of the sonics of your beloved Classe product, then don't read or respond to threads about it.
I take umbrage at your denigration of snack food industry icon. It was totally uncalled for. At no time has Hostess ever made the claim that their cupcake was as good as, or even a substititute for, a chocolate cake made from premium ingredients.

Oh yeah ... and just where do I find one of your finely made cakes at 5:00am when I'm already 2 hours into a 10 hour drive & need a hit of caffeine and chocolate to wake me up? HUH? WEEELLL??? I KNOW where I can find a Hostess cupcake when I need one. They may not be great food, but they certainly are great junk food.

Why not more than 2 weeks ago, they saved my life during a trip to Colorado Springs. It was 7:00am & I had been on the road for 2-1/2 hours, was on low power and had to fill up the truck. After tending to the diesel duties I went into the Texaco quick stop store, and front of my eyes...fresh, right off the truck...gleaming in their cellophane of joys...happy..happy...HOSTESS CUP CAKES. Grab two packages..a large coffee...put some tunes in the CD player...put the cruise control on 80 ...sit back..relax and enjoy the feast...OH yeah, babe... I feel much better...