Classe M1000

I have a chance to buy a Classe M1000. I have heard it and it sounded good. However I am not able to find any information on it online.
Can anyone tell me about it and what, if any, problems I should look out for?

Also my other option is an upgraded Mark Levinson No.23. Which would be a better option?
No problems with this amp. Send me a PM to obtain a PDF of the amp color brochure with technical description and full specs from back in the day.
The M1000 was a mono amp, so I hope you are buying a pair.
I think Classe planned a stereo version (S1000?), but I dont know if they ever producted it? They also may have made a half power version, the M500 monos?

I almost bought a pair of M1000s at a dealer closeout when they were out of production, and imo they are one of the best solid state amps ever built. I think the sonics have been surpassed, but the built quality is hard to ever beat. I did buy a smaller model (Class15) of the same vintage and I would be surprised if anything ever went wrong with it. I now use it as a back up when other things go down. That's how good it is - it never breaks.
Do you really need all that power? If not, you can save some money and buy a smallar Classe with the same sound signature. on the otherhand, if you need all that power, then the M1000 are hard to beat.