Classe move to China

I've just learned that Classe has moved production to China. Has anyone taken delivery of a Made in China Classe product?

Will moving to China devalue the brand? Will quality suffer?

I am thinking of purchasing the new CA-M300 monoblocks, but this move has me hesitating.
And here comes British-French alliance. I bet it is better than any Chinese/North Korean.
I think Canada will survive without Classe' as after all, they're Canadians...supposedly part of the British Empire (and some of 'em speak FRENCH!). Also, not that it's a bad thing, but America is by far the most dangerous country out other countries anyway. Biggest arms dealer (by FAR), we blow stuff and people up daily (aren't drones just adorable?)...invade places for no apparent reason...we even nuked somebody! And weirdly, the "global market" is exactly what keeps another world war from think China wants to blow up Walmart and Kohl's? No way. Remember, the USA is ALL IMMIGRANTS (except the pesky Natives
who shall remain marginalized, and the previously "imported" Africans who built the South), and I have the right as an American to enjoy my Chinese preamp and my BMW because I like 'em better. Ahh...freedom!
It's unfortunate but the way of the land now. So many companies in the same boat.

I had $10k to spend on a pre/pro and I require a combined stereo/ht rig. I auditioned several and to me nothing matched the sound of the Classe SSP-800. It has been such an awesome addition to my set-up. Nine months in and no quality issues.

I could spend time worrying about Country of Origin for my purchases or try to relax and buy what sounds the best in my budget. The made in China SSP-800 won. In fact because of this quality piece I wound consider any of their products in the future be it amps pre/amp etc.

I work for a major Company and many of our products are JDM in China. I guess I have learned to chill about it.

I just twang the best I can buy for me and sound quality is the only consideration and quality at time of purchase. Classe is excellent.
