Classe move to China

I've just learned that Classe has moved production to China. Has anyone taken delivery of a Made in China Classe product?

Will moving to China devalue the brand? Will quality suffer?

I am thinking of purchasing the new CA-M300 monoblocks, but this move has me hesitating.
"vast majority of us don't like that Classe move"

- most likely. I was not happy either finding that my Metabo drill was made in PRC (they avoid word China as much as possible) since it was pride and tradition of making them in Germany. Quality wise drill is absolutely amazing. Many people have Audioqest cables being sure it is US made. After finding that Audioquest makes them in China for many years cables suddenly start sounding worse.

Jea48 - Yes, they got the same disease. The reason I don't care much for Japan is life governed by tradition and obedience. There is nothing sadder than watching Japanese Rock and Roll band with pretend moves and emotions. On the top of that government that always knows better, police that beats prisoners (while nobody minds) and your company that you have to share your private life with. Not for me.

If you want to get your healthcare from one of the 36 countries in front of us (according to the WHO), no problem. But for me, I'll take my chances here. I don't want the type of free healthcare offered elsewhere (and it's not free anywhere, BTW). I am very happy with the healthcare I and my extended family have received in the U.S. I have no desire to risk my life on WHO statistics.
The WHO statistics do not factor in the life styles of the patients. Maybe the rest of the world does not eat three meals a day at McDonalds. Maybe the rest of the world do not look like hippos. I think prevention and early detection is the difference. We may have the best medicine, but not the most intelligent / educated patients.
Fundsgon,I would for sure be worried in the short term about quality. Even if the were changing locations in the US, say Oregon to South Carolina, there would be a short learning curve as the locals perfected their craft.
I believe you are all better than your remarks suggest. Start a business and employ others. Teach others how to Do!

Capitalism is the carrot that keeps the horse moving. If it is fat and lazy the horse is less inclined to go anywhere. When WE are hungry again we will be OK.

Good luck.
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