I rarely encounter a man so mature and deep in all fields of human interest than Pascal...
Reading him is a stunning awakening on all scale...And he was the greatest prose french writer , he transform french prose in an "art of the fugue"...
There is a deep link between Bach music and Pascal thinking...Even if more than 20 years separate the death of one and the birth of the other...
The audible presence of God in the music of Bach answer to the more than probable existence of the Designer in his famous mathematical "wager" and the inner heart consuming fire of love in man....
The wager idea was never understood clearly by most thinkers....Most said that this was a very simplistic argument about God existence...
But it was never intended to be an argument, but a little spark of fire able to ignite the whole world... Why?
Because if someone is able to think about the infinite only one time he will never be able to erase the idea or this experience after it was born in him...
The wager is the wood, and the stones which rubbed with one another will ignite a fire...it is more potent than the St Anselm ontological argument, because it is an appeal to an existential gesture of the thinking...Not only a logical argument....
If you create the idea of infinity one time in your imagination, going back before this moment will become for ever impossible...
Like in the history of mathematic the creation by Cantor of the infinite actualities...
I am surprized that there is no musical work i know of dedicated to Pascal....