Classical music for Rockers

I grew up in a non-musical household, so everything I heard was from the radio when my parents weren't listening. I quickly went from AM to FM, and from Pop to the AOR stations in Milwaukee at the time. I was raised (in a sense) on rock and roll radio.

It wasn't till much later that I was introduced to classical music. I have since been adding Bach, Mozart, Tscaikovski, and other to my regular playlist The last two things I bought were Mozart's Requium and Carl Orff's Carmina Burana. I hope I spelled those right.

What I am curious about is if there are others out there with the same experience, and if so: What Classical music are you listening to regularly?

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Mahler, pure and simple. I'm an old rocker (music major) who also played percussion/timpani in symphony orchestras. Others to listen to would be Stravinsky, as mentioned above, Shastakovich, Prokofiev, Bartok, Bruckner, Wagner (orchestral excerpts at least if you don't get into the opera).

I guess it kinda depends on what kind of rock you liked also, as to whether Bach, Mozart, etc. would do much for you. I listen to these some, but beyond appreciation for their work given the period, sonically they don't do much for me personally. I tend to gravitate towards more modern (verging on atonal) harmonic structures.