I like the Guitar and find it is relatively easily reproduced with my smaller speakers so the "sound" is generally very acceptable. I am hoping to find albums versus best of compilations(still welcome); whether on vinyl or CD. I'll start out with 2 CD's I enjoy. Easy listening. 1. Music of the Brazilian Masters, Concord Picante label from Concord Jazz. CCD-4389. Laurindo Almeida, Carlos Bosa-Lima, Charlie Byrd. It's nice to hear the different guitars,playing styles and even strings. 2. Portrait of John Williams. CBS Records Masterworks. MK 37791. John Williams. I hope someone enjoys these and has suggestions for other treasures. More to follow.
I have a number of Romeros record but don't remember the labels. I have tended to buy the artist without emphasis on the label; even though I'm well aware of varying sound quality-and very much appreciative good recordings.
Here's one I bought recently that's very nice, "Colores del Sur, Baroque Dances for Guitar" by Enrike Solinis & Euskal Barrokensemle on Glossa.
Another I've really enjoyed is "Images of Metheny" by Jason Vieaux on Azica. All Pat Metheny tunes played on solo classical guitar. Well worth a listen.
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