Clayton Audio M70 mono blocks Any Info??

My neighbor who does not have a computer ask me to post this for him. He is interested in The Clayton Audio Mono Blocks M 70 Model. To be honest I know nothing about Clayton Audio - But I am sure Audiogon Members do. So please help my friend out--Much Appreciated.
My neighbor advises he can get the Clayton M-70s the pair for $1200.00 used. Should this be a valid consideration? No way can he afford $4600.00 or $2400.00 for the others. He will be driving Acoustats that I located for him. These ESLs demand power and current to drive properly. Any thougts?
Ferrari, Are you sure he can get the M70's for that price? I have not seen them for sale under 2000.00. Maybe he is lookiing at the M40. If not, that is a great deal for that price. I would buy them at that price.
Yep the price is solid at $1200.00 the pair went to look at them. The guy needs cash bad looking for quick sale. However in my opinion do not compare to my Threshold Class A. Could be the speakers he is using or the preamp. Preamp is a ARC SP8 if I remeber correctly. Speakers were B&W 801. I think he is going to buy them,although I am still not sure if they have enough current to drive the Acoustats properly.
As I have said, I was not that impressed with the Clayton amp, I tried numerous preamps with the amp and it was not musical. I don't doubt the Threshold sounded better.