Clean Power without the drawbacks of Conditioning Filtering. Advice?


From reading i see there is a lot of talk on the drawbacks of Conditioning filtering. Dynamics and freq. limitations etc.

I want to ask if there is a power strip+cord that are not filtering. I think i could possibly get away without conditioning.
From searching it looks like there are the cheapo strips that you don't want to use OR Conditioning strips.

Wondering if there is a good reliable strip that does not screw around with the sound and can also deliver to an 800w consumption tube amp.

Chang Lightspeed CLS 709!

No current limiting, improves detail, more 3D, clearer sound quality, dead quiet noise level!

Much better than any AC regenerator with no warm up period due to internal amplifier in regenerator.
@inna- whenever I am in a medical facility, I'm checking out their A/C receptacles, and other gizmos. They have cool toys! #nolobotomy 
a while back I needed what you want and was recommended the Wiremold ULBH6-15 from a well respected audio tech.  It has a 15 ft.-14 gauge cord.  hospital grade with no switches in the circuit.
I think the Wiremold tip is very useful. And of course, I totally agree with Inna.