Cleaning & polishing speakers & gear

While i know that i've posted "reminders" about cleaning / polishing / oiling speaker cabinets on a somewhat regular basis, my girlfriend just showed me something that she bought last week. Olde English now has "furniture wipes". These are similar to baby wipes but are treated with Olde English furniture polish. As such, they are very convenient to use and minimize the amount of spraying, rubbing in and wiping off that one has to do with other polishes / oils. While i would not recommend relying on these if the speakers have been "abused" i.e. not cleaned and oiled in a long period of time, they sure do come in handy for those times when a quick touch up is all you need. Not only is it very quick and easy to give the cabinets a once over with these, i'll probably do it more often since they are so convenient and hassle free. You don't have to worry about applying too much chemical to the rag or cabinet or getting overspray onto the drivers, which could cause deterioration or end up eating the foam surrounds, etc... Just remember that, just because they look like a baby wipe, they really aren't suitable for that purpose : )

With that in mind, has anyone come up with "quick & dirty" methods for cleaning their gear or specific chemicals / cleansers to use / NOT use ? What do you folks use to remove fingerprints, etc... without removing printing, discolouring faceplates, etc... ????? Sean

Showing 1 response by sean

S7Horton: What do you put on speaker cabinets that are 20+ years old in order to keep them from drying out and preserve what's left of their natural beauty ? If paste wax is your "end all" answer, what brands do you recommend and how often should it be applied ? Sean