Clear Day vs Acoustic Zen

As I mentioned in another thread, I am looking to make one or two upgrades to my system this year. Total budget is around $500 - 600. My current system is:
B&W CM10
Parasound A21
Cambridge Audio Azur 851D (preamp + DAC)
Cheap Audioquest wires (I think I paid around $50 for an 8 ft pair).

The two speaker cables that I've seen mentioned a lot here are Clear Day and Acoustic Zen Sartori. I almost pulled the plug on a pair of used AZ Sartori a week ago, but it was sold before I could make an offer.
There are other AZ Satoris on sale here at agon but they're all over 8 ft, which is not what I want.

However, I see that for the same $$$ for used AZs, I can get brand new Clear Day Double Shotguns.

Has anybody compared these two in their systems? Given that B&W is generally considered to be a tad bit on the bright side, I wonder if the silver in Clear Day might not be the best choice?
Clear day is Silver as transparent as these cables are i always found them giving me listeners fatigue. They are more suitable for Tube amplifiers. 
I have Clear Day double shotgun speaker cables in both of my systems , and use Silnote Audio interconnects and Audio Art Cable power cables in both systems along with them.
Thanks, folks. Very good recommendations. I'm leaning toward AZ Tsunami or Cullen at the moment. 

Call mr lee at az and you will be pleased you did . He will answer tell him Ray from san fransico said call 
Check out this thread about Cerious Technologies Graphene Extreme cables and cords. Well within your budget. Contact Bob Grost, Audiogon member: rgrost