clearaudio champion w/ unify but what cartridge?

i'm getting ready to set-up my new clearaudio champion with the carbon fiber unify tone arm and i'm looking to get some cartridge recommendations. I'm moving up from a MMF 2.2 with a blue point no. 2 and in fantasy land i'd like to end up with a stradivari. but to start what would some good matches between 300 and 1000USD? Or if anyone has a used symphony you'd like to sell me?
Congratulations! Two things that would help in making recommendations: What types of carts can your phono amp/stage handle (mm, homc, lomc) and what types of music do you listen to?
How about the Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood at $875? An ebony version is what Clearaudio fitted to the ebony Unify tonearm for the Clearaudio-sourced Marantz turntable.

The reviews I've read of the Marantz TT15 S-1 indicate that it is a well-integrated and synergistic package at its asking price.

Given that this is an MM cartridge with medium (3.5mV) output, it should match well with a wide variety of phono stages.
thank you, i am very excited to get it up and running...

as for equipment and materials:
i have a clearaudio basic phono preamp. It can handle lomc to mm, i dont know how low, it lists as having an 800ohm input load for MC, i honestly dont know how low a cartridge it could power, but it seems like it could manage quite a wide range. as for music... I listen to jazz, mostly later "free-er" jazz, late coltrane ayler and pharoah sanders. david bowie, radiohead, my bloody valentine, sonic youth, the velvet underground, arcade fire, bjork, beck, black sabbath, mahler, janceck, bartok, glass, stravinsky, so quite a range of music as well. I'm most looking for neutrality I dont want anything overly warmed I dont mind analytical sound If i can hear things i've never heard before that's what gets me going, i get gooey enough over that, i dont need a cartridge to goo it up for me. That's why i went the clearaudio direction their known for extreme detail and pulling everything out of the recording that's there and not translating much of anything, and, i'm cool with that. My amp and speakers are known for being perhaps a little bass heavy so i dont need help there, I've been pleased with the Blue point, but i sense something missing in the mids, seems a little muddy at times i'd like to blow open the sound stage and hear the windings of metal strings on guitar and the rosin wafting off the cello sections bows.

if you have it check out the first track on marc ribot's prosthetic cubans, if it were only available on vinyl, 'cuz being able to bring his guitar on the first track into my listening space would be the moment of self destruction. If there is a cartridge that bring that can bring that out of say the black keys or seer off of whitch's first album, i'd die a happy man.

thanks for any input