Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
Each individual human had a fundamental adverse problem imposed on their senses when they had their first photograph taken. A photographic image captures the unique identity of the subject of the photograph but imposes a significant temporal (time) asymmetrical pattern. The action of this photograph radically changed the inner symmetry of the senses of the photographed human being. Fortunately, this debilitating adverse condition is reversible.

Does this mean that a person such as myself, someone who's made their living as a professional photographer for more than 30 years, is guilty of "temporal time distortion" of the personalities I've photographed ?

Does this explain the behavior of people I've photographed, such as Arnold Palmer, Vendula, Peter Frampton, Jimmy Page, George Bush, Little Richard, Bunker Hunt, Dan Marino, Robert Plant, Grace Slick, Kathy Ireland, Joe Cocker, Joe Gibbs, Bobby Labonte, Ross Perot, Jimi Hendrix, Boz Skaggs and Eric Clapton ?

I hope there is no penalty for that! I've probably exposed several hundred thousand images over the span of my career and I don't want the government coming after me for what I though was an otherwise honest business.

I wonder too, all that talk about images in the freezer.

Eastman Kodak suggested (about 50 years ago) that keeping valuable images in the freezer would prevent them degrading. There's a chart that lists the "life" of images at various temperatures posted somewhere, (maybe at the Eastman Kodak web site?) Seems like I remember Kodak negative films good for maybe 20 years at normal room temperature and over 100 years at freezing.

So, question is..........does that make Kodak a co-conspirator? And what about my wedding negatives? They have been in the freezer for nearly three decades................does this explain the "chilling" relationship that's developed between my wife and I over the years?

Last but CERTAINLY not least, should our son (note the photographic terms here) ever "develop" a "negative" relationship with his future mate, could Peter Belt and Eastman Kodak be held accountable (financially) in the alimony settlement?

These are serious question for serious times.
some pretty radical "x-files" kinda concepts being espoused here. and one certainly has to recall the reference of the primitive tribe (can't remember where) that claimed that the camera "stole their soul" when their picture was taken. temporal distortions? we're full of 'em (in a spiritual sense) IMHO, and they are what keeps us from being *truly* in the present moment and thus enjoying our music to the fullest (among other things, simple enjoyment of music being far from the highest benefit of such a thing). what i find interesting is the search for some external "thing" (cheap clock with a dot, bag of whatever in the freezer, ritual involving photographs) to remedy this. *this* is a phenomenon of temporal existence, which is of course ultimately a product of the mind. if you can accept the possibility that time is an illusion (ok, ok, get out your butterfly nets for me too but at least *think* about it--the reconciliation of metaphysics and quantum physics is well underway, ever since einstein), then you may realize that reconciliation of these things is not at all an external process but an *internal* one. want proof? the only proof is in the doing. can i prove that these devices etc. have no effect in this manner? no, but i can reasonably infer that IF there is *any* effect it is fleeting and small (relatively speaking). have any of you ever had the experience of a piece of music literally "taking you away" and you imagine yourself there in the venue, and this was not a subtle sensation? this has happened for me, not often but a few times, and i suspect that it has for others as well. in that moment you literally transcended time. time didn't matter, you didn't feel the need to look at a clock, let alone have one in the room to assist you in this phenomenon, and you probably didn't even plan on it happening. it just did. and it will again, if you allow it to. and the notion that this somehow begins with and is attributed to photography is just plain silly IMHO--it's roots are way beyond such a thing. the earliest photographs of me are of a cute kid (obvious bias), but also of a person who, in a very real sense, no longer exists (or rather, no longer *needs* to exist). ok, get your pitchforks and torches, i'll be waiting at the house.....:-)
OK, after following this thread for a couple of days I broke down and purchased the CLC to see for myself if it really works. Of course I used my wifes credit card for the purchase. So let me cut to the chase does it work???? Yes and no. I placed the CLC in my listening room and placed a cd in the tray and began to listen. I did not notice a differnce so I placed another cd in the player and another and another till I worked up a thirst and cracked open a cold one and another and another and yet another and all of the sudden after 8 Buds the music just seemed to come ALIVE.
Now I know what your thinking was it the clock or was it the Bud???? Can't say for sure at this point but the clock and the Bud sure did add to my listening experience. Thats my story and I am sticking to it.
Audioaril, I have learned by my experience with you not to disseminate any information over the phone in confidence. ~ Geoff