The pleasure was all mine Geoffkait. Even the great Schmaltzenstein could not have written a more entertaining piece. He may want to invite you to republish it in the next edition of Satura Et Fictitia.
Pehari, it really depends what you want to purchase, the original CLC, Intelligent Chip, Intelligent Box, and Brilliant Pebbles are sold by Machina Dynamica. The WMC server-based audio enhancing service is offered by me at an introductory price of $99 per month, or $999 for a full 1 year subscription. Elizabeth will tell you everything about herPrayForSound faith-based offering. Finally, audiophile-grade cryo-treated Lindberger is offered by Albert Porter's new company AudioUsmatics(from the latin verb usmo, --as, usmavi, usmatum, usmare [to smell]) in quantum-enhancing 1/4 ounce packets for $499 each. Hope this helps.
Pehari, it really depends what you want to purchase, the original CLC, Intelligent Chip, Intelligent Box, and Brilliant Pebbles are sold by Machina Dynamica. The WMC server-based audio enhancing service is offered by me at an introductory price of $99 per month, or $999 for a full 1 year subscription. Elizabeth will tell you everything about herPrayForSound faith-based offering. Finally, audiophile-grade cryo-treated Lindberger is offered by Albert Porter's new company AudioUsmatics(from the latin verb usmo, --as, usmavi, usmatum, usmare [to smell]) in quantum-enhancing 1/4 ounce packets for $499 each. Hope this helps.