Clueless and Seeking advice on TT purchase

Hi All:
I need a turntable without breaking the bank. Range about $1,200 - 2,000. Must admit I've lost track (actually I was never on track) of what is what in this price range and I've been so busy I can't spend that much time checking it out so I seek your advice. I see several units out there.

Basis 1400

Oracle MKII

The good news is that it is going in a system that is almost all diy by yours truly so it won't make that much difference anyway! I'm using my proprietary zip-cord for interconnects.

Thanks in Advance

I remain,

Showing 1 response by twl

Hi Craig.

I think you might want to consider getting a Teres bearing, platter, and motor w/controller, and DIY'ing a base to your liking. Teres sells the items like this for DIY use. They originally came this way before Chris decided to make complete tables. It is fairly easy, and there are hundreds of others who have done this. And, it would really tie in to the DIY theme of your system.(And it would sound better than any of the other possibilities in that price range, IMO.)

You could put a standard or modded RB250 on it, and maybe a Denon DL103R, and have quite a package for the money.