Coincident Dragon Amplifier

I'm starting to think about a power amp upgrade I'll probably want to do within a few months, and I'd appreciate experienced-based comments on the Coincident Dragon monoblocks.

I would be using them with my Daedalus Ulysses speakers. Even though the Ulysses are 97db/1W/1m efficient, I want amplifier power that approaches the Dragon's 75W rating because I listen to a lot of classical symphonic music having wide dynamic range. The Dragon, with its push-pull 211's, therefore strikes me as an amp that would hopefully provide a nice balance between directly-heated triode sonics and relatively high power.

Its $9K price tag, btw, is at the extreme upper limit of what I would want to spend.

Thanks in advance,
-- Al
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Thanks, Marco. Re "great choice of speakers," it was actually your comments some time ago, in addition to some comments by others, that led me to the Ulysses, which are as magnificent as you had indicated!

I will make a point of touching base with Lou before finalizing a decision. Re the Modwright's, I'm certain that they are excellent amps and excellent matches for the speakers, but I do want to stay with tubes, and preferably DHT's for this upgrade.

Cool beans, Al! Glad that worked out. Totally get the preference for tubes - Yeah, check with Lou on which amps he was using in his room in '07 (my mistake on the date before) - They sounded GREAT. I'm fairly certain they were Art Audio amps. I think they were the Carrissa amps which are actually 845 amps. Worth looking into. I listened to a pretty wide variety of music in that room - I was consistently impressed.
The Daedalus Ulysses mate well with a number of different amps and topologies, from tube, to hybrid, to solid state. Owners of the Ulysses have even run them with SET amps with good results. Therefore, you have a number of options to consider including Atmas-Sphere M-60s (or MA-1s if you can find them in your price range), Pathos Inpol2 (tube/mosfet hybrid), and 845 amps as noted above.

I'm not familiar with the Coincident Dragons but if they appeal to you based on design/specs, and if they also can deliver relatively high current, then I think you'd probably be very happy with them.

What is it that you are looking for that you are not getting from your current amplifier?
Finsup, thanks very much for your comments. Regarding what I am not getting from my current amplifier, nothing in particular that I can identify at this time. I've been pretty happy with it, since retubing it with "Winged C" EL34's and Genalex reissue small signal tubes.

But it would stand to reason that my very inexpensive, though seemingly well built and good sounding Paxthon amplifier, would not bring out the full potential of the speakers. Plus I would like to give DHT's a try, plus I suppose my immunity to audiophile upgrade-itis is only partial :-)

Best regards,
-- Al

Your posts on this forum are informative and helpful. Good luck in your search. I meant to say that if the Coincident Dragons appealed to you based on design/specs, and if they also can deliver relatively high current, then it would be a good place to begin your investigation. I only write this to rebuke myself for writing something that suggests that you'd like something just based on design/specs alone. :)

And Lou can definitely give you some ideas. Even though he usually shows them with Modwright gear, he'll be a good resource for considering alternatives.