Coincident Pure Reference Extreme

Since introduced I have not heard too much about this speaker here. I know some folks say it's SOTA...but how does it compare to other speakers in that price range such as Wilson?
Hi Bob...can you explain a bit more what you mean about the "dead cabinet" sound? Is this an asset to you or not? Just curious. Tks!
Hi Bob,
That's an astute sonic observation regarding the distinction between
speaker design philosophy. I can appreciate the theory of having a very
inert " dead" cabinet, less resonance, distortion, coloration etc.
Successful execution with musically involving sound is another story.
Some speakers built on the inert cabinet principle can unfortunately sound
dull, flat, lifeless (ironically dead sounding). Lacking the realistic tone,
vibrancy and sense of liveliness and emotional connection with music.
The PRE does avoid this pitfall and is very alive and engaging with much
musical communication.

Based on my listening experiences an example of a inert cabinet speaker
that implemented this approach successfully and sounds musically alive
and involving is the Rockport line (at least the one I heard).
To be fair I readily acknowledge that some other listeners would prefer the
more damped "dead" sound and not the livelier sound that
appeals to me.
Rwd, the Vandersteen 7’s, Kharmas, MBLs and my own Salk SoundScapes have thick cabinets that give a character to the sound that is different from the Electrovoice EV6s that I have in my bedroom. Since I am so familiar with the dead sound, I immediately noticed that it wasn’t present with the PREs. I would imagine that most people wouldn’t be able to identify it since it is pretty subtle. I personally would probably go for a dead cabinet, but the nice liveliness of the PREs is very intoxicating.

I heard the Coincident room at the New York Audio Show and thought it was the second best room there. (The LessLoss room with Kaiser Kawero speakers was the best room, but the speakers were impractically big and a lot more expensive.) Coincident PRE are not "stunning" in an audiophile sense the way, for example, Raidho or Wilson speakers are. To me, those speakers sound impressive in the first few minutes and then have me reaching for Advil. To me the PRE sound very natural and provide an emotional connection to the music that set them apart. They are also much more extended and resolving than Audio Note and Spendor, for example. I would definitely go to hear them, but plan to spend a while listening, as their positive attributes only emerge after you have heard them for awhile.
"Then have me reaching for advil" beautifully said, I know all too well what you mean.
Your description/distinction of the contrast between the speakers you mention is on the mark in my opinion. Natural vs hifi two different routes for sure. Nice post.